Catherine Friend
Catherine Friend

Big Sissy Boy Here’s the black steer (half Holstein, half Jersey). He’s all alooooone, and is most unhappy. Here are the three Jersey steers. Why is the black guy alone? Because he’s a big sissy boy. We were out of grass on the south end of the farm, so needed to move sheep and steers […]

Beware Composted Sheep Manure The Farmer and I planted a garden earlier this spring. Here’s what it looked like: I worried that I’d have to weed a lot, but we used newspapers and cardboard as mulch, and we only had to pull a few weed between plants. I dove into my busy summer, happily picking […]

Rocky Mountain High The Writer and the Farmer are back from a 9-day trip to Colorado. We left the farm in the very competent hands of Bonnie, our ‘farmaholic’ friend. All went well until the sheep, tired of eating hay (no rain—no grass), decided on the second-to-last day to find a spot where the ground […]