Catherine Friend
Catherine Friend

Ten Steps for a Successful Farm Visit Many farmers love having visitors, and appreciate seeing their farm through other peoples’ eyes. But to ensure the visit goes smoothly, here are a few loose guidelines to keep in mind: 1) Call first. We might be napping. 2) Show up when you say you will. Please don’t […]

Farming Jargon This is a photo of Melissa worming the sheep. This must sound very weird to non-farmers. We give worms to our sheep? No, the more descriptive term would be de-worming. We give them medication to kill the worms in their intestines. (Grazing animals tend to ingest worms, which hang out in their intestinal […]

Beware the White Hen This white hen is on a mission, a determined chicken, a chicken who knows what she wants, where it is, and who will give it to her. This chicken hangs out in our garage/shed, waiting for me. When I appear, she follows so closely on my heels that if I stopped […]